The Bowen Technique is a gentle, hands-on remedial therapy suitable and effective for all muscular and skeletal problems. The technique consists of a sequence of very precise, gentle moves over muscles and connective tissue, interspersed with periods of rest in order to allow the body to absorb and respond to the treatment.
It encourages the body to re-balance and re-align itself, promotes healing, improves energy levels, reduces pain and is a relaxing and enjoyable therapy. It’s so gentle that babies and the elderly can benefit from it and all ages in between. Bowen can also help improve physical/sports performance and reduce stress and anxiety related conditions.
Meditation is a part of many spiritual traditions. Time for silence and contemplation opens up a journey of self discovery and self mastery. There have been many scientific studies of meditation and of its benefits to people that practice it regularly. Some of the proven benefits are that:
- It reduces stress levels
- It boosts the immune system
- It improves concentration
- It lowers blood pressure
- It reduces cholesterol levels
- regular meditators make less Doctor and hospital visits
When you are calm and relaxed it is easier to meets life’s challenges. Like a musical instrument it takes practice to perfect meditation and to gain control over our “monkey mind”. A Buddhist monk described the human mind as leaping from thought to thought like a “drunken juvenile monkey that has been stung by a wasp”.
Beginners’ meditation classes will give you a range of techniques to use so that you can change the discordant chatter of the mind into quiet harmony.
Kinesiology can easily identify if a food or environmental substance is causing stress in your body, whether the external manifestation of this stress is bloating, constipation, digestive pains, fatigue, headaches, IBS, mood swings, skin rashes, sinusitis, wheezing, weight gain, or else.
The practitioner will apply a muscle testing technique and by testing different muscles that relate to the digestive organs he/she will pin point exactly where the stress is affecting you.
The sensitivity is then corrected by stimulating specific acupuncture points in conjunction with breathing rhythms.
Flower Essences are prepared in a similar way to homeopathic remedies but are usually in liquid form. They are totally safe for everyone to use, either in conjunction with complementary therapies or with allopathic medicine. These essences are incredibly fast acting, producing powerful results- not just on a physical level, but also on emotional and spiritual levels. Working in a gentle and supportive way, flower essences can be wonderful catalysts for change.
The word yoga describes a variety of Hindu practices developed in ancient India to unify body and mind with universal spirit, thereby encouraging physical and mental well-being.
The most important purpose of yoga is to bring about deep transformation of the individual – an awakening of intelligence that is free of dependencies and romantic beliefs and ready to meet the accelerating challenges of the twenty first century. “Ganga White”
Yoga builds up our energy reserves and can strengthen and awaken as well as relax and centre us.
Yoga postures (asanas) are designed to improve metabolism, digestion, elimination, circulation and the functioning of the glands and nervous system. By working through the muscles, nerves and the breath, we can fine tune our energy and develop a healthy sensitivity to ourselves and the environment.
With regular practice, physical and mental self-mastery can be attained, thereby becoming more self-reliant and self-confident, more at peace with yourself and the world.
Diet is also considered important to this discipline. Yoga increases flexibility, improves muscle tone, and is helpful in the reduction of stress.
Coaching is about getting the very best out of someone and enabling them to make decisions that will improve their life. Coaches are hired for very many different and diverse reasons, for example: to climb the career ladder faster; to feel more fulfilled at work; to improve relationships with family and partners; to learn parenting skills that benefit both the child and parent; to gain a spiritual meaning to life, or a desire to ‘get sorted’.
Coaching is a modern and rapidly growing method for helping others to improve, develop, learn new skills, find personal success, achieve aims and manage life change and personal challenges.
Life coaching, or personal coaching – different terms are used – is effective for all situations, whether in personal life, career, sales or corporate and business life.
Reiki is an ancient healing technique rediscovered in the 19th century by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk.
When there is an imbalance of the energy within our body there is the potential for illness. Reiki energy balances and harmonises these areas and so enables the body to heal itself.
Reiki works wherever it is needed, whether the problem is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual and so has the potential to help most conditions including stress, pain relief and the underlying causes of disease.
The treatment involves the gentle laying of hands on, or above, certain positions on the body without massage or manipulation whilst the recipient remains fully clothed. It can be used safely by all ages and all you have to do is lie back and enjoy the experience.
The benefits include:
- Deep relaxation
- Pain relief
- Detoxification
- Strengthening the immune system
- Accelerating the body’s natural healing power
- Stress reduction
- Release of energy blocks and suppressed emotions
- Strengthening of intuition
- Greater awareness of personal power
- Greater sense of spiritual connection
Angelic Reiki is a very gentle yet powerful form of healing, hands on or off body. Excellent for stress, tension, and many other issues.
Usui Reiki is a very gentle form of healing, good for many life issues, which in turn reflects in the physical body.
Indian head massage is a relaxing therapy that has been practiced in India for over a thousand years. In its original form, it was restricted to the head and scalp, but Western practice has extended it to include the face, neck, shoulders, and upper arms. As all these areas tend to accumulate a lot of tension, both from physical activity and emotional stress. Indian head massage involves working with a firm but gentle rhythm to help unknot blockages and relieve the build-up of this tension. This form of massage generally takes 30 minutes and is done with the client fully dressed, seated in a chair.
Problems benefiting from Indian head massage include:
Headaches, Hair problems, Stiff neck and shoulders, Ttiredness/lack of concentration
Kinesiology uses muscle testing to assess the health of all aspects of the body. The muscle test is an autonomic nervous system response to light pressure being applied to the limbs. This response can assess the body physically, chemically, emotionally and energetically. The same muscle test response is used to establish the best way to return the body to balance. Massaging particular neuro-lymphatic points on the body, gently holding the head, giving a nutritional food / supplement, or flower remedy helps restore health.
It helps with muscular pain, digestive disorders, old injuries, skin disorders, food and environmental allergies, emotional problems, meridian balance, chakras, auras. Often problems are a combination of issues and when resolved on all levels structurally, chemically, emotionally and energetically change is profound.
Homeopathy is an effective system of healthcare which stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Homeopathic remedies are not addictive or toxic; they are free of dangerous side-effects as they deal with the body’s energy rather than its chemical balance. They are very safe to use for all including babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly.
Homeopathy can treat acute complaints including colds, flu, tonsillitis, gastric upsets, viral infections, as well as chronic conditions such as asthma, skin problems, hypertension, constipation, depression, acne, ME, infertility, etc.
Homeopathy is formally recognised by the NHS as a beneficial complementary means of treatment.