

Amnanda uses the healing power of oils infused with ayurvedic herbs (organic), mantra and safe, nurturing touch. It consists of a series of twelve sessions over a 1-year period. The oils are potent and have shown in laboratory tests to dissolve the crystalline structures on a cellular level in the connective tissue. These crystalline structures are the accumulated results from stressful or traumatic experiences, which have been stored in the body and affect health and wellbeing. Amnanda rejuvenates body and mind.
To experience safe, nurturing touch can be a profound experience in itself.
Clients report to have more energy and feel more harmony and joy in their life. The Amnanda process also tends to bring greater clarity about direction in client’s life.


Access Bars

In Access Bars sessions there are 32 touch points on the head which represent 32 areas of your life. It is where habitual behaviours, old experiences, fears, points of view, reactions, imposed attitudes and limiting beliefs are saved. It’s like deleting junk files and creating new space. After a session the minimum result is a rested body and an “unloaded brain” like after a week’s vacation! Are you ready to choose change?!

You can choose 1 session or a series of sessions where Access Bars:

• gives a deep relaxing effect, relieves fatigue and accumulated tension
• helps normalise sleeping patterns,
• removes anxiety and phobias
• gives lightness in the body and significant improvement in well-being
• opens space for new ideas
• relationships with loved ones rise to a new level

Benefits of Access Bar with Children:

• Interest and enthusiasm for new knowledge will grow within your child
• A positive effect in hyperactive children and adolescents.

Do look up to know more.

To erase the cellular memory of a trauma, or to unlock Biomimetic and Biomimetric Mimicry (which is how you try to locate yourself to fit with others and which can adversely affect your health) Access Hands-on Body Processes can also be used. Using MTVSS (Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing Systems) on the Immune System can have an incredibly dynamic effect: cancer and other potentially fatal diseases have been changed with regular use of it.

Animal Communication

Animal communication creates a truly deep, wonderful connection with your animal and you know that you are doing everything in your power to try and understand them from their perspective, which allows you to give them the best life possible.

Communication can help animals overcome problems within their environment and restore the peace through an understanding of what and why situations occur.

Your relationship with them deepens as the trust develops more – they know they can trust you with their innermost thoughts and feelings. This is a very powerful way to a deeper connection.

You will see your animal for the incredible, beautiful individual that it is.

Below are just some of the benefits of animal communication:

  • To be able to ask what is bothering them & find out how you can help them.
  • To help locate lost animals and track possible routes.
  • Preparing them in advance for changes ie: going on holiday, going to the vets, informing them of a new family member joining/leaving the family.
  • Finding out why they are behaving a certain way.
  • Ask them where they feel pain/discomfort and what they need (many animals know this instinctively and will surprise you!).
  • Ask if they are ready to pass over and maybe give a sign.

Family Constellation

A Family Systemic Constellation is a powerful way to somatically experience our interdependency upon both our ancestry and the wider tapestry of life.

In seeing that our own family members have their own imprints, histories and crosses to bear, we can cultivate more understanding in our own lives for how much capacity they have or had to give to us.

All in, we cultivate a deep gratitude for the life that was passed onto us – no matter what.

A powerful work, which goes beneath the Human Story and unlocks much latent – and very grounded – personal power. A beautiful and complementary 3D activation for matured spiritual seekers; (or for those who have simply tired of seeking and who are ready to sink more into BEing).

With the possibility to look into any system; ie, anywhere you may feel under-resourced, blocked, or have an issue raising its head on your path to be seen and further integrated.

Corresponds to and emboldens your connection to: The North/ Crone/ Winter/ Bones/ Earth/ Elder(flower)

Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing comes from the Japanese term, ‘Shinrin Yoku’, the process of immersing the human spirit under a canopy of trees. It was developed to mitigate the high levels of stress experienced by businessmen in crowded urban environments and combines mindfulness, meditation and gentle exercise within an ambient forest location.

The Forest Bathing Institute (TFBI) has pioneered the addition of enhanced sensory exercises and deep meditations to create Forest Bathing+, which helps promote mindfulness

Forest Bathing has been proven to have ongoing health and wellbeing benefits.  Backed by global evidence-based studies, especially in Japan, Korea, and more recently in the UK, research (relevant study hyperlinked in each case) shows Forest Bathing has the potential to:

Light Language

We are spiritual beings having a human experience and through these times of transformation and growth, we are remembering more and more about the truth of who we are.

All that exists is energy that carries a vibrational sound frequency, but in our humanness, we see everything as solid, physical matter. The human ear is only capable of hearing sound within a certain hertz range, but just because sound can’t be heard above or below that range, doesn’t mean it’s not being emitted.

Although not as well-known as other forms of energy healing, Light Language is a powerful healing modality that carries high vibrational codes and frequencies of sound.

It is considered to be the ‘language of angels’ and the ‘language of the soul’. It is both an ancient and futuristic, multi-dimensional form of communication that bypasses the logical mind and connects directly with the heart and soul.

Because Light Language is multi-dimensional, the transmissions are packed with vast amounts of information.

These dynamic frequencies of sound and light adjust to each person’s vibration, bringing about deep clearings, activations, healing and balancing.

Self-Love Coaching

We have all suffered some level of trauma in our lives starting from an early age. We don’t realise how deeply this can affect us and how we hold onto this often-unconscious trauma right into our adult lives.

We think it’s our adult self that is being triggered and in pain, but it’s our un-healed little me’s that are reacting and affecting how we feel. Until we get to the root cause and meet these abandoned parts of ourselves, we can stay stuck repeating unhelpful loops and patterns.

The ‘I Love You, Me’ Method, 7 Steps to Transformational Self-Love. is the ultimate self-help process for life transformation, personal growth, healing, clarity, and freedom from the past.

By deepening the connection and relationship you have with yourself, you’ll gain the clarity and awareness around your triggers and what needs to be seen and heard for you to release and overcome personal struggles and pain.

 Some of the issues Trauma-Informed Self-Love and Empowerment coaching  can help you with:

  • Negative self-talk

  • Low self-esteem

  • Low self-confidence

  • Unworthiness

  • Not feeling good enough

  • Self-love and acceptance

  • Childhood trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Trust

  • Abuse

  • Self-harm

  • Insecurity

Tarot Readings

Tarot Reading can help you gain greater clarity on your present situation, and insight into the potential pathways open to you. We can explore the traditional Tarot as well as the Angel Tarot, which incorporates the gentle guidance of the Angels. I offer a variety of readings, depending on individual requirements.

Tarot and Angel Readings can be helpful for:

  • Gaining Clarity
  • Exploring Situations
  • Considering Options
  • Finding Insights
  • Moving Towards Goals
  • Personal Development


Mindfulness is a gentle practice that helps us to connect with our centre and our sense of inner calmness. Through Mindfulness we become more at ease with ourselves and relaxed, as well as being more aware of our surroundings. We focus on breathing, meditation and visualization. This practice is suitable for all levels of experience.

Mindfulness can:

  • Relieve Tension
  • Reduce Stress
  • Bring Peacefulness
  • Increase Wellbeing

Egyptian Alchemy Healing

Egyptian Alchemy Healing is an ultra high vibrational Egyptian healing system which harnesses the angelic elemental rays of earth, fire, water, air and spirit with etheric crystalline energies plus sound vibration and sacred breathing. Also called Sekh Em, it can be spelled Seichem, Seichim, SKHM and all manner of alternative ways.  This is because the Egyptian language did not contain any vowels, simply sounds.  The variation of spellings reflects the interpretations of those teaching the skills.

Generally Sekh Em is considered to harness the four elemental healing rays of earth, air, fire and water.

Joanna’s own version of Reyad Sekh Em Egyptian Alchemy Healing also brings in the fifth element (Quintessence, ether or spirit) and utilises colour, sound vibration, crystalline and elemental angelic energies.  She has also developed her own unique initiations for this ultra high vibrational healing system.

Reyad Sekh Em rays of touch healing bring together the elemental energies in a non-intrusive, but powerful combination. Reyad Sekh Em includes Reiki energy, which Joanna considers to be from the Earth and Air elements only, but also the combined elemental healing energies of Water, Fire and Ether (Spirit). Reyad Sekh Em heals more deeply and with greater balance, bringing about true harmony on all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

  1. Earth energy is grounding and foundational; fundamental to all other healing rays.
  2. Water energy is gentle, persistent and cool, aiding emotional healing.
  3. Fire energy ‘burns’ through blockages, balancing the electro-magnetic field.
  4. Air energy ray aids communication and difficulties with respiration.
  5. Ether (Spirit) facilitates psychic surgery where appropriate.