
If you want to look at complementary therapists practicing in other locations, you can look at The Sutton Complementary Health Network to find a therapist in the Sutton area.

C.H.A.T Complementary Health And Therapies run talks on each 3rd Thursday night of the month

Also Health and Harmony for a therapist in the Petersfield Haslemere area.

For other therapists in the Guildford area, look up The Castle Street Clinic

Other websites of interest are:
HealthySoul is an information resource about complementary therapies, nutrition and a natural lifestyle with up to date health news and links to other sites that can provide even more help.
David Gilbert and Vahida Diaz offer £20 acupuncture appointments in the centre of Guildford (free parking). To keep cost down, you will be treated in a treatment room with one other couch in it, separated by a screen.